Guide to understanding Medicare

Your Medicare Questions Answered

When you’re preparing for Medicare and making important choices about your health plan, having the right information can make all the difference. As your local Medicare Advantage plan, HealthTeam Advantage has put together this guide to help you understand the basics of Medicare. HealthTeam Advantage Medicare Advantage Plans cover everything Medicare Parts A and B cover—plus all the other things you need, like prescriptions, dental, vision, hearing, fitness, and more.

Need More Assistance?

Download the Simple Guide to Medicare Booklet

Why Choose HealthTeam Advantage?

There are lots of reasons. For starters, we’re local—based right here in Greensboro. We live and work here, so we know and use the same doctors and hospitals who’ll provide your care. We’re also doctor-guided, which means our medical directors help develop our plans with patients and providers in mind to make sure our members receive the care they deserve.

Need More Assistance?

Give Us a Call,
We Can Help

Medicare Questions: 866-897-4230 (TTY: 711)

Member Services: 888-965-1965 (TTY: 711)

From 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. ET, 7 days a week from October 1 through March 31st (except holidays) and Monday to Friday from April 1 through September 30 (except holidays).