For Providers

Required Annual Model of Care Training for CSNP Providers Form

  • Models of Care (MOC) are considered a vital quality improvement tool and integral component for ensuring that the unique needs of each HealthTeam Advantage Medicare member enrolled in our Chronic Special Needs Plan (CSNP) are identified and addressed. The Model of Care (MOC) is a high quality, patient-centric medical care delivery system for our CSNP members and is designed to maintain the member’s health and encourage their involvement in their health care. As a Medicare Advantage CSNP, HealthTeam Advantage is required by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to provide annual training of its Model of Care, and as a provider who provides the care for one or more of our CSNP beneficiaries, you are required to complete this training.
  • By appending my name, NPI, and virtual signature, I am attesting that I have personally satisfied the annual Model of Care training as required by the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services. I understand that having anyone else complete the training on my behalf or reporting completion without personally completing the training is considered fraudulent and may result in disciplinary action.
  • Please type in your name.
  • * Indicates required fields